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by Ned

Hello, I’m Ned and I love food, fitness, travelling and cats. I’m a food blogger, nutritionist and a mom to a gorgeous Russian Blue cat.

Welcome to my Food & Sun Corner on the Internet!

I was an active smoker for 16 years until April 2011, when I decided to quit smoking. 1 year later I was with 45 pounds heavier, two clothes sizes up and feeling tired all the time. My day-to-day reality was 12-13-hour work days in the office, most of the time 6-7 days a week, with constant stress and pressure. I was physically tired, mentally exhausted, lacking proper sleep, my body was aching. I was eating unhealthy fast food and snaking on sweets most of the time.  I was lazy.

What was my turning point? When I found out I cannot fit in my jeans, I decided that I was no longer going to put my needs aside. I was embarrassed about how I looked in the pictures and even more disappointed by the reflection in my mirror. I decided that I would make time to work out and wanted to feel proud of my body. I wanted to look strong, fit, and unstoppable despite the schedule that ruled my life. So, I started working out. During the first month I lost 14 pounds, then 15 pounds in the second month etc. I was so happy with the results so I strive for more and more. For the first six months of my transformation I lost over 40 pounds, dropped my body fat (BF) to 18% (from 36%), I could fit in my skinny jeans and the most important – I felt in the best ever form in my life and I still do!

My transformation started in April 2012 and ended… hmm, there is no end. I will always continue to strive for a new “challenge” in fitness, to step out of my comfort zone, to do what most people won’t do.

It’s not only about “looking good” in a bikini, it’s about living a healthy lifestyle, improve your cardiovascular health, get strong and more efficient. 

Most of my recipes here are healthier versions of classic and traditional ones and they will not only help you achieve your desired goals, but they will help you eat healthy, keep you in shape and live a healthier lifestyle!